Learn more about what’s happening in the community!

Pierce County Human Services, in collaboration with special needs transportation partners from King and Snohomish counties, are conducting a survey throughout August to understand the transportation and mobility challenges among residents in our communities.

The information will be used to help inform advocacy, work plans, and services to improve transportation options for special needs communities in Pierce County. All respondents will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a $50 online VISA gift card.

Click here to take the survey: https://surveys.reconmr.com/S2/1/Snotrac-Public/?urlimport=1&questlist=Source&Source=PierceCounty2

As transportation partners, we advocate for connecting people to safe, equitable, and accessible transportation. This study is being conducted for research purposes only and there is no identifiable information collected.

Click below to learn more about our special needs transportation partners: