Use Library Curbside for a quick trip to your library.

Library curbside makes picking up library materials easy! Visit the online catalog, place a hold on the items you want and then schedule your appointment.

The day of your pick-up

  1. Go to the designated pick-up area.
  2. All items will be bagged, checked out and ready for you to take home to enjoy!
  3. Find your item by the first five letters of your last name and the last five numbers of your library card.

Need to change/cancel pick-up?

Contact your library location during business hours or email.

ADA Accommodations

Contact your library location during business hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our doors had to temporarily close, however, Pierce County Library System designed Library Curbside services as a way to safely connect our customers to the library. We continue to provide Library Curbside to serve the community. Through curbside services you can:
  1. Pick up a variety of materials (books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks, etc.).
  2. Be surprised by staff-selected items in a grab bag chosen just for you.
Please email us for assistance.

The day of your scheduled pick-up, go to the designated pick-up area. All items will be bagged, checked out and ready for you to take. A bag with your items will be labeled with the first five letters of your last name and the last five numbers of your library card

We recommend that you schedule your pickup to ensure everything is ready to go for you when you arrive. Feel free to see us anytime during business hours for service, but there may be a little wait.

We hope you make the most of your Library Curbside visit. Please feel free to pick up for others! You’ll want to include the names and library card numbers for everyone you’re picking up when scheduling your pickup.


While in the online catalog, click the button on the right side of the page. If you chose “availability by branch” you can see which library locations have this item and whether it is currently available.

If an item is being used by another person you may put yourself on the hold list for the item. When the item is returned, it will be sent to the next person in line.

When an item you requested arrives at the pick-up location, you will receive notification by either email, phone or text, depending on which option you have chosen.

Another way to tell if your items are ready for you to schedule your pickup is to log in to your account on our website or the mobile app and check the status of your holds:If the status of the hold is Held, then your item is ready for pickup at the location listed. You can schedule your pickup for this item but your other requested items may not be ready for pickup yet.

If the status is Shipped, then your item is on the way to the location listed and should arrive within a few days.

If the status is Pending, that means there is a copy available at one of our locations, but not necessarily the pickup location. The item is in the process of being located on the shelves in order to be sent to fulfill your hold.

If the status is Active, that means there is not currently a copy available to fulfill your hold.

Grab bags

Let us shop the shelves for you! Grab Bags can include books, movies, audiobooks, music and more selected just for you. You can even get any combination of those items. Do you want two books and a movie? Just ask!

Answer a few questions to help Library staff select books, movies and more, based on your interests. Be as specific as possible about the types of items you would like and the formats you would like to get (books, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks, etc.) For more personalized recommendations, please complete a My Next Read form.
Returns, fines and damages

Items you borrow are yours to enjoy typically for three weeks. If no one else has requested your item, you may renew your checkout for another three weeks. You may renew up to three times before you must return the item. Entertainment DVDs are available for one week.

All library items can be returned at any of your libraries during business hours or using the book drop. These are located on the side of the building.

The Library System is not currently assessing fines for overdue books and materials given the ongoing economic burden brought on by the pandemic as well as the overall disruption to library service.

You will be charged to replace non-returned, lost or destroyed library items, or to repair damaged library items. Pierce County Library does not accept in-kind replacements for lost or damaged items.

The library is not responsible for repair of equipment used to play library materials.

Please return the item to the library and staff will be in touch shortly after if fees need to be assessed.